I love skincare and makeup. Aisles of neatly and beautifully packaged products are so satisfying to see and just the visual of it is like the old school Tom & Jerry cartoons of the pie smell turning into a hand that beckons me into the dangerous waters of Sephora. Even watching people put on makeup is enjoyable and something my husband is mystified by. I dunno, perhaps makeup is that bit of everyday magic that can transform plain Jane into Cinderella. There's also the sheer joy of buying makeup and taking it home to experiment further. The funny thing is that I don't actually wear a ton of makeup. I love the "no makeup look" but the combination of being unskilled and a bit lazy makes it hard to put on makeup without looking like you're not wearing a ton of makeup. So, I console myself by going with the "effortless and minimal" look.

As I've gotten older and (only incrementally) wiser, I've realized that there aren't miracle makeup products that will suddenly make me look "beautiful"*, especially if the skin underneath isn't in good shape. So, my wiser self has shifted focus towards examining my skincare routine and how I am taking care of my body. I'm still experimenting and trying new things, but here's what I've learned so far about good skincare.

First, our skin is our largest organ. It's not just there to make us look pretty. It performs important functions for our body and is our first layer of defense against the elements. Skin naturally performs its functions on its own. However, when we have certain health issues and as we age, our skin will often signal that there is something wrong. By only addressing the signal (i.e. the surface skin issue), we will not be as effective as dealing with the actual health issue. Basically, we need to spend more time to listen to our bodies and better understand what our skin may be telling us.

Second, don't trap yourself into a skin type. When someone asks what your skin type is, we all have an answer. But, the truth is, skin is just skin. Depending on what's going on inside your body and the environment around you, your skin may merely be reacting in a certain way that exhibits itself as dry, oily, etc., but it doesn't mean that your skin is permanently in that condition. Instead of mindlessly purchasing products based on the skin type label, figure out what your skin is lacking and use the skin type labels to target those issues. For example, some people with oily tendencies may purchase products that mattify and dry out the skin in order to combat the oilyness. But, using too many products to remove oil may cause your skin to think it needs to produce more oil/sebum, further exacerbating the problem. You'll need to figure out what works for you, but if you want lasting improvements to your skin, then you'll have to take time to understand the specific needs of your skin.

Third, for an effective skincare regimen, keep things simple and be consistent. Simplify the number of products you use. This will help isolate what products/ingredients are effective and/or irritating. With too many products in rotation, it will be hard to figure out what works and what doesn't. A consistent routine allows you to develop good self-care habits while allowing the products a fair shot at making a difference. Don't expect results overnight. If you do see results overnight, keep up consistent use to see if those results continue. For someone who didn't grow up taking care of her skin, it was an adjustment to get into the routine. But, just like brushing your teeth everyday (hopefully you do), your skin is just another part of your body that requires daily care. When you look at yourself in the mirror in a few months, you'll definitely be able to see the difference and you'll be glad you took those few extra minutes. Keep it simple and keep it up!

In a future post, I'll share the basics that should be incorporated into any skincare routine regardless of your skin issues!

*Inner beauty is infinitely more valuable than outer beauty (1 Pet 3:3-4), but we also live with the reality that how we look matters in this world and it's important that we take care of ourselves, mentally, spiritually, AND physically.
I remember reading Are you there God? It's me, Margaret in middle school. It was one of those memorable moments when you feel like you've found a friend who is totally real, raw, unfiltered, and willing to share their deepest secrets with you and you feel a little less alone in the world.  Well, that's pretty much why I decided to start a blog and share my journey with you. To help myself and, hopefully, others feel less alone.

If you've somehow found this blog, I hope it's because you're another lost soul on the internet looking for helpful guidance on oh-so-critical life issues such as how to take care of your skin after not properly caring for it for most of your life or general health issues that never worried you until the first signs of aging or just mindless musings. If you fall into none of those categories, then you must be my bff who is the poor guinea pig for all my incipient endeavors. Either way, thank you for being here and reading this far.

I'm sure I'm not alone in the countless hours I've spent watching beauty, skincare, cooking, exercise, and the usual dose of "miscellaneous" videos on YouTube. My internet search history is filled with random, embarrasing, sometimes legit but mostly paranoid health questions. Despite the hours I spend searching the internet and watching videos, I still have a hard time finding content out there that I can relate to. So, I decided to compile the tips and research I've gathered and share what I've learned in this blog, for my own reference and also in case there are others out there that might find this useful.

A little about me:
  • + Happily married full-time professional in my 30s living in the nation's capital. 
  • + Working on staying fit physically, mentally, and spiritually.
  • + Love makeup, but prefer a natural, "my-face-but-better" look. 
  • + Can't stand the feel of heavy products on my skin. (I'm prone to getting milia.)
  • + Year-round allergy sufferer and experience sensitivity to some skin products. 
  • And, trying my best to balance the pressures of the green beauty movement along with the desire to find readily available, reviewed, and affordable products.
My most recent concerns have been working on improving my skin quality and preventing (or slowing down) further aging.  I've been super excited to have found a minimal, yet effective skincare routine (for any skin type!).  I will be working on compiling the info I've learned on maintaining and adjusting my skincare when needed. Stay tuned!


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